Sunday 16 June 2024


                                ISURUMUNIYA TEMPLE

Isurumuniya is a Buddhist temple situated near to the Tissa Wewa (Tisa tank) in Anuradhapura, SriLanka. There are four carvings of special interest in this Vihara. They are the Isurumuniya lover, Elephant pond and The Royal Family.

Ancient Origins:

  • The temple dates back to prehistory and might have been dedicated to a pre-Buddhist faith of unknown origin.
  • It stands out because its artifacts deviatefrom traditional buddhist styles, making it one of the few places where non-buddhist artifacts were discovered in Anuradhapua's archaeological site.

 Carving of special interest

  • Isurumuniya features four remarkable carvings:
    • Isurumuniya Lovers: A sculptured plaque depicting King Kuvera Vaisrawana and his Queen Kuni. These lovers are believed to be from a different location and were placed here later.
    • Elephant Pond Carving: A low relief carving with four elephants.
    • The Royal Family Carving- Carved on a granite plate, it portrays King Dutugemunu in the center, flanked by two figures fanning him with an WIJINIPATH. 
    • Brahmi inscription- An inscription near the Isurumuniya Lovers plaque, which was originally at a different location, mention the cell of Mahaya being given to Venerable Asalaya.


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